Who is Pixie?

Hello, I am Pixie, obviously not my real name but it's what I go by on the internet. I'm a super outgoing 22 year old, married to an amazing man, and I have a beautiful baby daughter. I am a critical feminist, to give you an idea of what that means my favorite feminist is Christina Hoff Sommers. In addition to feminism I love video games, tv and movies, books, and writing. I am hoping to one day be a criminologist but my number one secret aspiration is to write something that gets published. I consider myself a huge optimist and I have a lot to say in the way of self help and lifting spirits. I have a lot of big opinions and living in the small town that I do, I don't have a lot of outlets to share those opinions, so that is where this blog comes in. I am also very in to fitness, pop culture, music, tattoos, and sociology and psychology. While this blog is not meant to be personal, I'm sure that things like recipes, personal anecdotes, and other things that don't really belong on this otherwise feminism and consumer media based blog. Sorry!

1 comment:

  1. im back, remember when i stalked u on youtube in ur videos with kassidy, the memories


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